Amy Backham dans la presse
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Amy Barkham est une jeune étudiante sénégalaise qui vit aux Etats-Unis et qui vient de publier son premier ouvrage en Anglais, The Mirth of College, dans la collection Première Chance, dirigée par Mme Ndack Kane.
The Mirth of College est une satire de la vie estudantine aux États-Unis.  Amy presentera l'ouvrage lors d'une cérémonie au College Hamilton de New-York le 1er Avril 2011.



The Mirth of College is a satirical novel about the college experience in the twenty-first century. It speaks to the alumni reminiscing about four remarkable years of their lives, the high school seniors impatiently waiting for an acceptance letter, and the parents providing their children with an expensive ticket to freedom in the name of education.
Four years prior to studying at Hamilton College, Barkham lived in Dakar, Senegal. A native French speaker with a passion for writing and foreign languages, her dream was to write and publish a book in English before the age of thirty. Her dream came true with the publication of The Mirth of College, a novel she initially wrote in the hopes of entertaining her friends and family.  Barkham still attends Hamilton College where she spends most of her time working on her world politics thesis.  She is also fluent in Wolof and proficient in conversational Arabic and Spanish.